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Healthcare News

  • Risk of rotator cuff injuries increases among people with sex-hormone deficiencies

    Lower-than-normal levels of sex hormones can increase the risk of shoulder injuries in men and women, according to a new study.

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  • Elbow heterotopic ossification after distal biceps tendon repair presenting as median nerve neuropathy: A case report

    Heterotopic ossification of the elbow is a rare complication of distal biceps tendon repair operations. It may be entirely asymptomatic or present with symptoms and signs such as swelling, erythema, pain, palpable mass, vascular and nerve compression or joint movement restriction. We present a case of heterotopic ossification presenting as median nerve neuropathy after distal biceps tendon repair using a limited volar single incision.

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  • Broken Forearm: Radius, Ulna, and Both Bone Fractures

    A forearm fracture occurs when there is a fracture of one or both of the bones of the forearm. The two bones of the forearm are the radius and the ulna. Both bones are important for proper motion of the elbow and wrist joints, and both bones serve as important attachments to muscles of the upper extremity.

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  • Biomechanical Comparison of Elbow Stability Constructs

    Despite surgical stabilization of complex elbow trauma, additional fixation to maintain joint congruity and stability may be required. Multiple biomechanical constructs include static external fixator (SEF), hinged external fixator (HEF), Internal Joint Stabilizer (IJS), or a hinged elbow orthosis (HEO). Optimal adjunct fixation to surgical reduction is yet to be determined.

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  • ECU Tendon Problems and Ulnar Sided Wrist Pain

    The ECU tendon, or extensor carpi ulnaris, is one of the major wrist tendons. It is on the ulnar side of the wrist, the same side as the small finger. The tendon starts on the back of the forearm and crosses the wrist joint directly on the side.

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  • aaos
  • American Society for Surgery of the Hand
  • American Orthopedic Association
  • aaos
  • Team Cantinum
  • journal of bone and joint Surgery
  • journal of bone and joint Surgery